Conditions We Treat


We welcome patients at all stages in their fertility journey. Whether you are undergoing IUI /IVF or are trying on your own, we can help. We believe your body has the inherent wisdom to achieve and sustain a pregnancy. Having been a part in hundreds of pregnancies, we know our process works.

  • We just wanted to let you know we finally had our little acupuncture baby, MPJ(9 lbs 5oz and 22 inches) was born on Sept. 2 and we couldn’t be happier. Thank you so much for helping us get pregnant! Thank you again,

    H & JJ 10/08/2009
  • I can’t believe what a pleasurable experience this was. I can’t thank you enough for my perfect bundle of joy! I’ve told all of my friends about this place.

    Mary Nashville

About Rachel Davis - Rachel Davis Acupuncture

Meet Rachel Davis

Rachel Davis is a licensed acupuncturist, specializing in fertility, women’s health and mind-body wellness. In 2007, she graduated from Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medicine in Asheville, North Carolina. She moved to Nashville in 2009 and started working at Green Hills Natural Health with previous owner, Steve Blumenthal. In 2016, Rachel acquired the practice and has continued its reputation for excellence.


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